MakerBot Sketch 

Unlock student’s creative potential with accessible 3D printing merged with project-based learning. Free cloud-based software with MakerBot CloudPrint integrated with Google Classroom. Design-to-Print integrations across familiar softwares like TinkerCad, Fusion 360 and Onshape. Join the largest 3D printing community of educators with curated lesson plans created by MakerBot Certified Educators.

Heated and Flexible Buildplate

Heated and Flexible Buildplate

Heated build plate for secure, successful printing and a flexible surface to make removing finished prints a breeze.

Touch Screen Controls

Touch Screen Controls

Start, monitor and pause your students’ prints with an intuitive interface, designed for easy 3D printing navigation.

Enclosed Chamber and Particulate Filter

Enclosed Chamber and Particulate Filter

Place your printer anywhere in the classroom without worrying about curious hands and print with peace of mind with a particulate filter installed in each printer.

Technical Specifications

Print Technology
Fused Deposition Modeling

Build Volume
150mm x 150mm x 150mm
[5.9in x 5.9in x 5.9in]

Layer Resolution
100-400 microns [0.0039 IN-0.0157 IN]
Print mode tuned for 200 microns

Material Diameter
1.75 mm [0.069 in]

Material Compatibility
MakerBot Sketch PLA Material
MakerBot Sketch Tough Material

Extruder Compatibility
MakerBot Sketch Extruder

Nozzle Diameter
0.4 MM [0.015 IN]

Print File Type

Ambient Operating Temperature
15­-30°C [59-86°F]

Storage Temperature
0­-55°C [32-­131°F]

Product Dimensions
433.4mm (H) x 423.1mm (W) x 365.0mm (D)
[17in (H) x 16.6in (W) x 14.4in (D)]

Shipping Box
549mm (H) x 517mm (W) x 46mm (D)
[21.625in (H) x 20.375in (W) X 18.25in (D)]

Product Weight
11.8 kg [26 lb]

Shipping Weight
17kg [37.5 lb]

Build Surface
Grip Surface

Build Plate Leveling
Heated with removable flexible build surface

Fully enclosed
Particulate Filter
IEC/ EN/ UL60950-1, IEC/ EN/UL 62368-1

Software Bundle
MakerBot Print Software

Supported File Types
MakerBot (.makerbot)
STL (.stl)
SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm)
InventorOBJ (.ipt, .iam)
IGES (.iges, .igs)
STEP AP203/214 (.step, .stp)
CATIA (.CATPart, .CATProduct)
Wavefront Object (.obj)
Unigraphics/NX (.prt)
Solid Edge (.par, .asm)
ProE/Creo (.prt, .prt., .asm, .asm.)
VRML (.wrl)

Operating Systems
Windows (7, 10)
Mac OS X (10.12+)
NOTE: Does not support Mac Catalina

CAD Plugins
SolidWorks, Autodesk Fusion 360, Onshape, Autodesk Inventor

Power Requirements
100-­240 V, 50-60 HZ

USB, Ethernet, Wi­fi

Camera resolution
2 megapixels